Monday, October 7, 2019

Business Ethics and Consequentialism Assignment

Business Ethics and Consequentialism - Assignment Example For instance, it may repulse stakeholders and employees. It spoils the public image of the company which in the long run affects the company profitability (Hartman, 2002). This article analysis the ethical concerns in the case of the company that manufactured transistors that became the sole supplier to pacemaker manufacturing company in relation to Jeremy Bentham theory of ethics of utility. Ethical issues in the Case The company in question had been involved in supplying transistors used in production of pacemakers. The pacemaker is an electric device used to ensure that the heart of a patient with weak pulse rates does not stop. By implanting the devise in an individual, the heart functioning is completely dependent on this device. This means that if the device stops because of a defect, the patient automatically dies. There have been cases where patients had died after pulling the wires that connected to the device out unconsciously (Ferrell, 2010) There were also concerns on the lack of a standards used to test the electronics used in making the pace setters. The ethical issues in this case were being involved in supplying transistors to a company producing a device without good standards which put the lives of people at risk. If the faults of these devices would be traced back to the company supplying the transistors, they would be in danger of being sued in a law suit. This would have bad implications on the company which would pay huge fines on the affected families. The implication of the company in such a serious case leading to death of people would taint the company which would again have huge implications on the company’s productivity. Another ethical issue is if the company would pull out from this business, the company producing the pacemakers would also be out of business since the company in question was the only existing supplier. The pacemaker had benefited may people possibly saving their lives despite it having many flaws (Ferrell, 2 010). It would be wrong the deny patients this device which might just save them from the pangs of death. The company in the end decided to continue supplying the pacemaker company but would ensure that its engineers carried out rigorous testing on the electronics. This is because this is the only way that he supplying company would be help against in case of law suit. They also stated that they would stop business with the pacemaker company if the company failed to look into the technical problems. This way, the company would be able to help in making it possible for patient to enjoy the promising technology of the pacemaker. The company also figured that although it was not getting a lot of profits from this venture at that time. This was an upcoming industry with promising future growth and the company would get major benefits in the long run. What would Jeremy Bentham, the father of utilitarianism, have said about this Case? Bentham believed that utilitarianism is guided by two masters: pain and pleasure. Making ethical decisions is therefore based on looking for happiness and avoiding pain. This therefore means that utilitarian ethics means making decision that ensures that an individual benefits the most (Jeremy, 2009). Although it is right to promote the well being of others, this cannot be done if it is in conflict with individual good. In the case of the sole supplier, Bentham would have definitely

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